News item: Four Out of Five Republicans Think Trump Probes Are ‘Witch Hunt’
– Marist poll March 27, 2023
Sorry, fellow travelers. The Republicans are obviously on to us. So, once and for all, I simply must pull back the curtain on the whole scheme. Yes, the American political left — led by George Soros, Hillary Clinton, George Clooney and an evil coterie of racist Black prosecutors — have systematically undermined Christians and other Patriots by putting their thumbs on the scales of Justice. Take my word for it.
Why the confession? Well, definitely not because I harbor any guilt. No way, Jose. I don’t spend a fortune on antifa conventions and subversion training because I’m faint of heart. On the contrary. There’s a reason our Latin motto is tattooed on my neck: “Dorsum meum dolet” (“My back hurts”).
No, I’m giving up the secret because I’m sick and tired of not being recognized for the fabulous work my comrades and I have done. Even though we have been extremely busy pedophiling and indoctrinating school children, resurrecting Karl Marx to make America the laughingstock of the world and opening the doors for Satan, we have brilliantly managed to hack the justice system against the true Americans and defenders of our Judeo-Christian constitution.
How about a little credit, thank you very much? Witches don’t just hunt themselves.
Now, not to belabor the obvious, neither Donald Trump nor any Republican official, nor any “Stop the Steal” lawyer, has done anything wrong. Not one single thing. No criming, no defrauding, no obstructing, no perjuring, no delusioning, no trading in lunatic theories about Democratic malfeasance. On the contrary; they totally have us pegged. So what we had to do — since we can’t make any rational argument with “evidence,” or “eyewitness testimony,” or “documentation” or “common fucking sense” — was to corrupt the system by filling it with hundreds and hundreds of Soros-backed prosecutors, litigants, judges and — this is key — jurors! It’s kind of what the Koch Brothers did with state legislatures, but much more sinister because we not only had to bribe them with ill-gotten Jew gains, we had to threaten to teach their kids about slavery.
But, O, how we pulled it off! Let’s just take the Jan. 6 “insurrection” prosecutions for example.
To date, 1,006 Patriots have been charged with various crimes connected with their Jan. 6, 2020 tourist visit to the Capitol. Of them, 559 have pleaded “guilty” in a courageous effort to own the Libs. Another 73 have been tried in federal court. Of them, 72 have been convicted by unanimous 12-person juries. That means we had to control 864 individual jurors. No easy trick. But we succeeded, mostly with dinner coupons from our child-molestation headquarters in a DC pizzeria. (Again, all subsidized with Jew money, duh. They are cunning creatures, those anti-Christs.)
Here’s the genius part. We arranged for 1 acquittal and 5 dropped charges to create the illusion that the outcomes were not predetermined. Hahaha! That is what you call detail work.
Or let us look at President Trump’s and other GOP lawsuits seeking to overturn the 2020 election. They obviously had slam-dunk cases, cleverly nicknamed The Kracken for all the hellfire they would wreak on the perpetrators of election fraud so brazen that Trump received “fewer” popular and electoral votes than Joe Biden despite winning in a landslide.
Yet, once again, we managed to control 63 state and federal judges, AND Republican secretaries of state to conclude that there was no evidence to support claims on election-influencing fraud. None. Zero. We convinced them that The Kracken was the hallucination of a corrupt lawyer. Not only did we have our fingers on the scales of all 63 cases, for good measure we got the main Trump lawyer — Sydney Powell — sanctioned and fined for abusing the courts with “meritless” complaints. We also threatened a federal judge with (heh heh) siccing uncivilized Black people on his neighborhood if he didn’t fine Trump and his lawyer Alina Habba $938,000 for filing a “frivolous” lawsuit against Hillary and Justice-Department officials for rigging the 2016 presidential election that Trump won. Dude, we do our homework. We even softened the ground by rigging previous lawsuits in which Trump Charities was fined the maximum penalty and shut down for misdirecting funds to his political campaign, Trump University had to settle a fraud case for $25 million and the Trump Organization was convicted of 17 counts of criminal tax fraud. Why did the jurors convict? Duh. Visits from Radical Socialists. (“That’s a very nice courthouse you have there. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it.”)
No, we are not idle. We have ginned up 17 criminal and civil legal actions against him. Not just the 34-count felony indictment from our Soros-backed witch hunter Alvin Bragg in Manhattan, but a trial for rape and state and federal investigations connected with stolen classified documents and election-fraud racketeering. There’s a lot on our plate.
But we’re keeping our eye on the prize. If we can just keep at it, we can turn America majority transsexual; confiscate all guns, knives and socket-wrench kits; imprison all Patriots; vaccinate everyone with DNA-altering Christian baby blood; and surrender to Communist China.
That’s why I’m blabbing. This isn’t really a confession; it’s a call to arms. We are now powerful enough to take our struggle out of the shadows.
Dorsum meum dolet. We shall prevail!
Thanks, Maureen.
Dear Bob, I wish you were still on On The Media. The show is now boring, like a seminar class. Thanks for your articles.