Wonderful! But what have you done with Bob Garfield?

"When he erupts, it’s like listening to Waze lashing out." Priceless!

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Thanks for the warning. Nothing about this show sounds remotely compelling, rendering it easy to avoid. But hey, it's summer -- which means baseball -- so there isn't much time for idle viewing of bad streaming shows anyway. Your Phillies are having a fun season, but I suppose the time gap between here and there might not work in your favor.

Sorry about the back. As someone who has lived to regret ignoring the "Don't lift that by yourself, kid!" warnings from sage-but-crippled veterans of my chosen industry, I feel your pain. Every day. And it sucks.

Hang tough, Bob. I hope the pain eases soon -- and keep those Future Foreward podcasts coming!


BTW -- you can tell Steve that there is in fact at least one person still clinging to a landline and ancient telephone answering machine. Cell phones are useful only as paperweights out here in the woods, where the Old Ways still reign.

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