Read Pluto Walks the Earth, Chapter 10: What I Saw
Mary Lou
I have told you this already, but first time I met Pluto part of me was saying, if this boy had an idea it would die of loneliness. And a lot of what’s happened would seem maybe to validate that first impression. Might could. Except, excuse me, he did have an idea or two. I’ve got to laugh at Gus, bless his heart, being all mystified over Pluto’s Apollo 13 notions. I love that man to death, but sometimes — pardon my French — he’s as windy as a sack full of farts. I mean, what the heck is Gus’s career but a mishmosh of electromagnetic weapons research, electromagnetic body imaging and electromagnetic emanations from Mother Earth? Am I missing something here? They were on the same path! It’s just that one of them was learned, one a precocious visionary.