Read Pluto Walks the Earth, Chapter 20: Myrrhgenroder
Mary Lou
Spend some time in Santa Fe and you begin to realize, everybody’s slinging some Prana.
That’s “life force,” in Sanskrit, and you find it eventually in every healer’s consciousness, or at least their sales materials. Prana is a dimension of everything from yoga to Oriental medicine to Tai Chi to transcendental meditation to aura balancing and standard Reiki to top-secret sonic weapons being developed at Sandia. Cosmic energy, expressed in the emanations of Mother Earth, is indeed the universe’s most underutilized resource. But let me share a little secret: you don’t have to understand it (or feel it, or have the ancient wisdoms to control it) to advertise it. It’s like plopping a habanero in a bowl of oatmeal and thinking you’re Enrique Olvera. You’re not, Sweet Pea. As a general rule, if somebody comes to your door selling replacement windows, send them away. If someone comes talking about Prana and talking about past lives, you run yourself away. Otherwise you’ll invest a lot of hope, and a lot of time, and a whole lot of coolah moolah trying to access a dimension that has no doors. Buy a PlayStation instead. You’ll get more for your money.