Read Pluto Walks the Earth, Chapter 33: Sexy Lexie
I’m a bagger down at PMR. My name is Doogy Mansfield. Just so you know there’s no bullshit here, I am an alcoholic — sober 114 days, thank God. Thank God and thank Mr. Hergenroder, who has been an angel in my life. I am 50 years old with a history of mental health issues, what they used to call manic depression but now call bi-polar. Joined the Marines out of high school to be in Operation Desert Storm, but never got deployed. At Parris Island (2nd Recruit Training Battalion), was in a fight with a guy at mess, stabbed him with a fork, wound up in the brig and was lucky to be discharged on a medical. Not dishonorable, but “unfit.” True dat. Most of my life, I’ve been at war with myself. Had meds, didn’t take ’em. Self medicated with vodka and crack. In and out of jail. Sleeping on the street. You know the story, even if you try hard not to see us. Know what it looks like when someone turns away so not to have to deal with a human being in front of their eyes? I know. Face it, I’m just one of a million wild beasts with a beard and sunburn. I don’t even count to you. The Lord got me taking accountability for my weaknesses and sins; maybe you should, too. But I won’t hold my breath. I die in my sleep tonight, you won’t remember I was ever awake. Don’t pretend you give a shit.