Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

"as Jim Jordan likes to tell the Democrats, soon there’s gonna be a new sheriff in town — with a very long memory."

And he's right. Nate Silver shows momentum in the midterms shifting to the Republicans. I expect that they'll impeach Biden before the spring thaw though for what I can't begin to imagine. It doesn't really matter, does it? It will be about the primal scream, not about anything material. Republicans are really good at this. Remember Joe McCarthy? He starred in a '50's remake of <i>Much Ado About Nothing</i>. Kevin McCarthy is his intellectual if not his biological kin.

A recent <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/18/us/politics/midterm-election-voters-democracy-poll.html">NYT/Siena College poll</a> reveals that an overwhelming fraction of American voters see American democracy in peril ... but, ho ... hum ... they have more pressing concerns at the moment. F*ck me in the eye with a spork.

We have nitwits in bearskins waving Confederate battle flags storming the Capitol but goddamn, the price of gas is rising. F*ck Brandon. Not a moment's thought about the impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on oil prices. Not a peep about how prompt intervention with loads of cash prevented the economy from cratering during the pandemic. Inflation! Ignore the fact that inflation is a global problem at the moment. The Republicans will do a better job with the economy. (rolls eyes, wanders off)

In America we vote for the leadership we want.

In America we deserve the leadership we get.

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