May 29·edited May 29

Another good one, Bob: one must heed messages from the animal kingdom. The hard part is figuring out just what those messages are. Do three thumps in the head mean "You've been warned, human: the next one is for keeps"?

I don't recall ever seeing crows when I was a mere lad growing up in a rural enclave of the SF Bay Area, which made their ominous appearance in "The Birds" all the more ... well, ominous. On I went to Hollywood, where at some point crows began to make their raucous presence known, and before long they'd spread throughout California from the Mexican border to Oregon. Are they gathering to feast on our bones after The Big One finally reduces the Golden State to rubble, or are they harbingers of what's coming should tRump emerge victorious in November?

Inquiring minds don't really want to know.

Keep the faith, Bob: the world awaits your book with bated breath ... or is that "baited" breath? Well, you're in the land of Dracula and vampires, so a few raw garlic lozenges might not be a bad idea.

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I want to buy at least one copy of your book. A dear friend likes travelog-type books, and I think she'd like yours. Then I'll send it to you to get signed. I think I want a copy for myself, too.

Thank you for not writing about somebody's 34 felony convictions and what they mean for the future of democracy. I've had it up to here with that stuff. I know who I'm voting for, so I'm not sure I need to read any more political commentary till February 2025.

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