Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

Good book back in the day. I have a copy - which I keep next to Neal Postman's "Amusing Ourselves to Death" and a 2015 copy of the AP style manual. Artifacts of a fleeting moment in time?

The revolution will not be televised - but it will be available as an on-demand stream. It will also not be regulated in a way that radio and television were regulated - to serve the "public interest, convenience and necessity."

I used to teach media law and regulation - it devolved to a much-abbreviated syllabus that relied more on market capitalization, copyright and trademark law and the feeble influence of the FTC.

I would beg to differ that the incumbents were trying to delay the future - they've been strangling the old model, squeezing out diminishing returns and unable to figure out the new model, because they had conflicts of interest on all fronts.

Local stations (TV and radio) turned to network programming from networks that had no stake in the future of local communities. Cable outlets have their own challenges - and in all cases, the money will be smaller.

We are on the way to something very, very different from the 20th century - from the penny press to the micro-penny surveillance feed? Sigh.

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Fantastic article as always. On a personal note, I think I might have been your Cannes accomplice the night before…hard to fully recall…there’s a lot of Scotch under the bridge;)

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Excellent piece, as always.

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