Well this is disappointing. I was a big fan of the Anthropocene.

What's next- cancel the Al Franken Decade? This is bullsh*t.

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I think a better term for our current age would be The Plasticene, what with macro and micro plastics suffusing the entire planetary ecosystem ... but I suppose we can leave that to future historians, although at this point it seems unlikely those scholars will be humans. Like the apocryphal frogs in the slowly heating pot, we seem doomed to boil what's left of our civilization until it's gone, taking most of us along for the one-way ride.

As for The Blip ... yeah. It reminds me of the old joke where a guy is sent to Hell and instead of being tossed into pools of molten lava and being ravaged by pitchfork-wielding demons, he finds vast multitudes of the damned standing neck-deep in the most foul water imaginable -- but hey, they're all sipping coffee and don't seem to be suffering. "Maybe this won't be so bad," he thinks.

Then the siren wails and a voice that seems to come from everywhere bellows "Coffee break is over -- get back on your knees."

Ah well, civilization was nice while it lasted.

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Just A. Blip is who I'm going to vote for on the write in line of my ballot in November. Blip for President 2024!

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