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Such is the state of politics in America in the 21st century. Politicians pretend to give a shit about the nation that they "serve" and we pretend to believe that they care about anything but their own election. This century's elections have revealed a great deal about the American people, about their fundamental weakness, cowardice even. Staring down the barrel of a world changing in ways they don't understand, they reach for simple-minded solutions as if it were a can of cold Miller Lite.

The laugh is that the slack-jawed ignorati of the Republican party call this "making America great again." Yes, we'll become great by withdrawing into our isolationist shell pretending that the world can return to its 1950s outlines. Build a wall around the country and call it a gated community.

We don't need no stinkin' TPP. We'll just cede the Pacific rim to the Chinese. Who needs it? We can grow rice here. Ukraine ain't our problem and besides Zelenskyy didn't do shit for the great and holy Donald even when he asked in the most perfect phone call ever, so fuck him. Let Putin have it. Why should we care?

And we'll pretend we can bring all those semi-skilled manufacturing jobs back to America because nobody is going to complain when a new washing machine costs $2500 because of the differential wage rate. And for sure we don't need to support higher education because the future isn't in molecular biology, quantum computing, and particle physics, it's in bolting rear ends onto Chevies.

The only thing we actually need is the right strong man. DeSantis, probably. Because first, before anything else can happen, you've got to own the libs. Then DeSantis and Putin and Xi can have a sitdown and parse all this crap out. Putin can have his sphere, Xi his, us ours. I just hope DeSantis can get one of them to take the fucking Mexicans.


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