Excuse me while I put on my blinders, enter the world of media adoration, and ready myself for the Christie Beck ticket in 2024. Merchandizing can only go so far. Trump is incapable of a Version 2.0 so hope abounds as others attempt to polish up their new images. As they say:polish a lump of shit and you still have a lump of shit.

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Hey Ho, if Trump gets in, there will be civil war

A civil war in 24

Hey Ho if Trump gets in, there will be Jim Crow

Jim Crow 2.0

Hey Ho, if Trump gets in, Millie will be shot.

Millie will be shot, and in Arlington, he will rot.

Hey Ho, if Trump gets in, Biden will just grin.

Biden will just grin as oatmeal runs down his chin.

Trump has one thing going against him, and that is time and age. Biden was pretty good in 2016; he seems to be failing. The function decline of the brain is exponential, not linear. Because of age and time, I would stay away from Trump. DeSantis, Trey Gowdey, maybe Tom Cruz would be good in 24. Cruiz, Rubio, and some (Lincoln party) Republicans may try also. I don't think Chris Christie will make it.

Who would run for the Democrats? I don't think the social justice schtick will be working by that time. If they do and do not go after corporate and globalist interests, they will lose. Pelosi, Feinstein, and Schumer are old and will retire soon.

It would be good to know who the Democrats running in the next election would be. Trump's not winning was the worst thing that could have happened for the Social Justice activists. They have no symbol to rally on.

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